Bishop Cordileone to Ordain FSSP Priest in Oakland, December 19

His Excellency Bishop Salvatore Cordileone will ordain the Rev. Mr. Jose Zepeda, F.S.S.P to the Holy Priesthood on Saturday, December 19, 2009 at 11 AM. The ordination Mass will be celebrated according to the 1962 missal at St. Jarlath Church, 2620 Pleasant Street (off Highway 580) in Oakland, California.

After Mass, the Zepeda family will graciously host a reception. Members of St. Stephen the First Martyr Parish (the FSSP apostolate in Sacramento) will assist with cooking and other preparations. If you plan to attend the reception, RSVP to Tish Gallagher at 916-223-3112.

Submitted by Doug Zeitz, Una Voce Palo Alto

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