Texas Bishop Joseph Strickland Discovers the Traditional Latin Mass – Interview

Bishop Joseph Strickland discusses what inspired him to celebrate the extraordinary form of the Mass on June 11, 2020.

I later learned that if and when a bishop says the Latin Mass, it’s always a pontifical Mass, where the bishop always represents his people. It’s intense. If you knew “Joe Strickland,” a kid from the back country of Texas, you’d know that “this guy’s simple. He doesn’t like those complicated things.” Yet I see it and I desire it for him. It’s so clear that this liturgy is not about us — it’s fully about Him. I want to honor Him.

Thank God we only must whisper them in this rite, because I am not sure I would have been able to speak above that whisper, so struck I was at the profundity. It was the first time in my life that I had ever said those words in Latin, and I could hardly get them out. It’s indescribable, really.

Full interview here

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