Priestly Fraternity of St. Joseph Promotes the Traditional Latin Mass

Founded in 2016, the Priestly Fraternity of St. Joseph is a private association of Catholic priests that aims to foster the sanctity of priests, particularly through devotion to St. Joseph, fellowship with brother priests, and the reverent and devoted celebration of the Mass, particularly in the usus antiquior (that is, the traditional Latin Mass as it was celebrated before the Second Vatican Council).

When asked how he has seen the fraternity make a positive impact on Catholics in his diocese and beyond, Bishop Warfel responded: “The fraternity has a definite purpose. It is a group of young priests who love their priesthood and support each other. They draw upon the Summorum Pontificum that Pope Benedict XVI issued to bring back the extraordinary form. The fraternity has attracted a good number of individuals, many who were alienated on the ‘periphery’ that Pope Francis often speaks about. They were drawn back to the Catholic Church because of the extraordinary-form Masses that the fraternity offers. They have a good turnout when they celebrate these Masses, and they fill up the church! They are truly a fraternity of brothers in the Lord, and they really know one another well.”

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